Thursday, November 4, 2010

Journal: November 4. Turkeys Circling Camry in the Rain.

As forecast, it's been raining all night and day.  Cold, gray and muddy.

I heard the wild turkeys scratching around the side of the house as I was waking up.  They usually scurry at the slightest human noise, so I was surprised to see them a bit later loitering around my car.  In fact, they kept circling the car in what might have been a pre-Thanksgiving ritual.

It was pouring rain.  They were very absorbed in their circling--and barely noticed when I, in rain boots and jacket tried to record their activities from my muddy post on the front lawn. You have to look closely but there are three turkeys in each picture carrying on their turkey work.

However inadequate these pictures, the rest of the day fulfilled all promises.  Dentist
Espinosa patched up my tooth in about a half hour and John and Brian, working for about six hours installed a new motor for the boiler and a new switch for the pump.  The rain too continues as promised, but now I can watch it falling from a house with working heat and running water.  Praise be. 

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